Friday, October 28, 2011


I enjoy many different crafts, and there are few things I love as much as developing complex plans. Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to devote to projects and many times I start a project, only to realize that I don’t have some vital ingredient to finish it.  Of course, getting to the store consumes the scarcest resource: time.
After countless aborted craft missions, I had an epiphany: attempt simpler projects and you will actually complete them. Designs with simple lines (and no lining!) make sewing projects more manageable. Working with chunkier yarn saves a great deal of time.  Often, making smaller things saves both time and materials.  
Items for babies meet a lot of my criteria. Having a couple of little people around the house helps too. I also have a lot of friends who are having babies, and they need presents.  Babies tend to be less horrified by homemade things (ever notice that there are fewer babies on Regresty?).
Last night I started sketching out a pattern for a pair of baby overalls. The pattern has four pieces, so it should be quick to piece together.  I just have to carve out a little time.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Make Me Drink

I forget to drink.
In fact, I teeter on the edge of dehydration most of the time.
My typical emotional state is similar. I work and care for others until I’m almost entirely depleted. Drained and dizzy, I’m less than nice.
Some people recharge by going out on the town with friends. Others head to the gym or to the shrink. For me, doing just about anything creative is like drinking from the well.  It’s time to replenish my reserves and I feel so much better afterward.
With this blog, I hope to force myself to drink more regularly.